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I may not follow the global warming bandwagon all that closely or worry that the worlds going to come to a crashing end right away if we don't switch our ways and run from gas, oil, and the various pollutants we use.  Though I am a strong believer that their needs to be a harmony between man and nature, humans were never meant to dominate the globe, but since we have no natural predator we have gained control of the top of the food chain.  With this responsibility we should protect the earth and help it out.  
Recently researchers wrote in the journal of nature that because of our actions we are facing a tipping point.  The thing is that the earth has a funny way to natural shaking out the problem or issue that is great effecting its environment.  The article can be found at this link http://www.accuweather.com/en/home-garden-articles/earth-and-you/tipping-point-earth-headed-for/66212
With all this in mind it starts to sink in and wonder maybe there's changes we all could make in our lives.  Which got me thinking why do we always need more money and why does minimum wage always need to go up, and its not supply and demand that is driving prices up from what they were when our parents were kids.  Maybe in some cases it is, but its this strange desire to buy things that we never needed years before.  Twenty years ago no one had cell phones, now nearly everyone does, Cost 60$ on average to a total 720$ a year!  Internet & TV bundle 80$ on average 960$ a year.  There are many other costs that we keep adding on but years ago we never spent those dollars! Therefore we had less need for that money. College a gigllion dollars now.  
The reason i bring these points up is that i think we face a tipping point in lifestyle changes, one where reexamine how we live and how we act.  Now Im not saying give up cellphones and tv because I certainty have no intention on doing it myself, but i believe there are many things that we can adapt into our lives to both better nature as well as our own lives and dollars.  I will spend the years investigating new ideas, how they benefit us, nature, and yes if economically they work in our lives, because in all truth money controls our lives.  So i hope you follow my blog as I look into this new Cultural revolution that we together can start.  And please comment or suggest ideas, I'd love to hear your input.

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